“OPUS 25” marks an artistic career spanning the last quarter of a century, presenting sculptural works from several stages of creation and offers a glimpse into the thematic coherence of the sculptor, who devoted herself thematically to the privileged ontological status of humanity from the Judeo-Christian tradition and of the feeling of reverence before the cosmos. The artist’s themes are a visual answer to the great questions of humanity: where we come from, who we are and what our purpose is.

Opus 25

 POD Gallery

25.10.2023 – 07.12.2023


“OPUS 25” marks an artistic career spanning the last quarter of a century, presenting sculptural works from several stages of creation and offers a glimpse into the thematic coherence of the sculptor, who devoted herself thematically to the privileged ontological status of humanity from the Judeo-Christian tradition and of the feeling of reverence before the cosmos. The artist’s themes are a visual answer to the great questions of humanity: where we come from, who we are and what our purpose is.


The event is equally dedicated to Mrs. Ina Cosoroabă, one of the most important Romanian collectors and devoted friend of artists, whom the cultural world lost far too soon.


OPUS 25 Events:


25 October 2023 

Opening of „OPUS 25”


Prof. Dr. Ştefan Dună – art colector

Tania Ţunaş Stăvilă – Cultural events Tv host

Corala Contrast – conductor  Fr. Vasile Bădescu

Serena Voaideş – piano-sculpture


4 November 2023

Concert „Hommage”


Alexandra Guţu – cello

Mihaela Işpan – mezzosoprano

Adriana Dogariu – piano-sculpture

Rareş Păltineanu – piano-sculpture


9 November 2023 

Book launch „The Miracle of the Moment” – Photography

by “Saint Anthim the Iberian” Orthodox Theological School –  Eurostampa Publishing 2023


Prof. Oana Codruţa Tomescu

Prof. Daniela Liliana Buzatu 

Fr. Nichifor Tănase 

Prof. Adela Panait 

Casian Mihnevici – graphic designer/author


14 November 2023 

Concert “Liturgical Soundscapes”

Trio Cosmin Rafael Bălean


Cosmin Rafael Balean – duduk

Cristina Struţa – piano-sculpture

Ana Maria Stănoia – soprano


23 November 2023

Artist Talk: “Linda-Saskia Menczel –  inscriptions revealed

guest: Dianna Vasiu – piano-sculpture

Prof. Paul Gravrilă – physicist

Valile Bogdan – author, editor


Photography exhibition: “Sculpture Revealed” 

guest: Costel Huțanu – photographer


Book Launch: Linda-Saskia Menczel – in my own words” 

Mirton Publishing 2022

invitat: Vasile Bogdan – scriitor, realizator emisiuni culturale


3 December 2023

Workshop: “Re-imagined sculpture” / Concert SERENA

guest: Serena Voaideș – piano


7 December 2023 

Exhibition Closing Concert


Equal Voices Choir of the “Ion Vidu” Music School Timișoara
Conductor: Maria Gyuris

Ligia Popescu – soprano
Iulia Szabo – mezzosoprano
Georgiana Necșa – soprano
Rareș Păltineanu – piano-sculpture