The exhibition and event ‘Becoming’ by the sculptor Linda Saskia Menczel, hosted by Casa Artelor between 16–25 May 2016, is a double exhibition of sculpture and graphics in the Pygmalion gallery and in the Subsol gallery which also includes a ‘live action sculpture’ on the night of the museums – May 21 starting at 9:30 p.m.
The theme of the exhibition is the entry and exit of the soul with time as its host and witness; the chiseling of the human soul between the two fixed landmarks or in other words, the dynamics between 4 main actors: birth, death, time and the soul
The sculptural works are in organic collaboration with texts written by Pr Conf Univ Dr Constantin Necula, Romeo Petrasciuc, Linda Saskia Menczel, as well as quotes from older and newer saints.
Works in the sculptural technique that launched her in 1998, casting on a living model in plaster and gauze, this time are complemented by graphic works and bronze pieces.
An ‘action sculpture’ during the night of the museums will demonstrate a casting of two young people, Emanuel Perciun and Daiana Bagiu. The event on the 21st will create a play that talks about the relationship between man and woman, but also the duality of its world that generates its dynamics and is the main source of experience and becoming as a person.